The game is still being worked on


I just wanted to write a quick note, that the game is still being worked on. Unfortunately, the recent changes I made are mostly invisible to the outside:

  • The rendering was so inefficient in the past, that even the low amount of work I had was quite an issue, so I had to optimise that.
  • Streets and rivers now use another system that will make them a lot smoother but still look a bit natural; this took several days and I decided only to show it when the shaders for the streets and rivers are also done (I haven't worked on them though)
  • I implemented my own version of the ogre, the original would have not fitted the game at all; instead my ogre has 5 health points and his attack damage is equal to his current health. When attacking, he will attack every surrounding unit. I'm still not too sure if I really want the attack damage to be coupled with health though

Other than that, some of the things in my engine and in my overall approach how I structured the interaction between logic and visuals is a bit flawed I think, so some things are quite annoying to work with, but I will have just have to stick with it now until the end I guess.

While I originally planned to have the game done in the first half of March, I don't think that this is still possible. However, I do my best to definitely get this game out this month.

Until next time,

Tobi (Mega Wolf)

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